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week 7 book review or movie report

week 7 book review or movie report

Q Requirements: The goal of a book/movie review is to display substantial knowledge of the book or movie's content, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the ability to think critically about an academic argument. A book review should answer three questions: What is the writer of the book trying to communicate? How clearly and convincingly did the author get his/her message across to the reader? Was the message worth reading? The Week 7 POL300 Final Book or Movie Report Download Week 7 POL300 Final Book or Movie Reportdocument suggests ways to think about and organize your book/movie review in the final week of POL 300. This handout also provides instruction and a suggested list of resources. You will choose either one book OR one movie to review. Other books and movies may be chosen with approval by your instructor. Your paper will be submitted using Turnitin. Once submitted, it will be checked against databases of source material. Refer to the rubric below for grading criteria.

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Introduction The movie is a real story about Edward Snowden who was a former spy and a member of the intelligence community that exposed the reality of the mass surveillance that the government of the U. S and the National Security Agency (NSA) was conducting. This was done in the name of national security. Snowden movie was released in 2016 and it is a biographical spy thriller movie. It was directed by Oliver Stone and written by Kieran Fitzgerald and Oliver Stone. It was based on the books The Snowden Files by Luke Harding and Time of the Octopus by Anatol